What happens when you mix Headliners unique brand of journalism with the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics? HEADLYMPICS!
Headlympics is a podcast created by the young people we have been nurturing and training to become journalist, reporters, presenters and producers.
Show 1
May 2012
This is the first of four shows diving into the Olympics like Tom Daley. You do not have to be a sports fan to find something interesting in these shows, we are investigating everything from the showbiz opening, the impact the Games will have on our already multicultural make-up, will the vibrations of last summers riots have any affect on ticket sales, what will the legacy actually look like and we speak to 9 times Paralympics gold medalist Chris Holmes about losing his sight at 14 and how to swim in a straight line when you’re blind.
On your marks. Get set. Download.
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Download the podcast here
Show 2
July 2012
This is the second of four shows, presented by David, looking at more issues than Jessica Ennis could jump over, from whether young people are excited with the Games, child trafficking, safety and security and more.
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Download the podcast here
Show 3
August 2012
Bored of the Rings? Not us!
In this latest Headlympics show (it’s what you get when you cross Headliners with the Olympics and Paralympics) we are looking at the headliners that have hit the newspapers during the Games, we find out whether the Games have made people feel proud to be British, and we look forward to the Paralympic Games, plus loads more.
So download, and get involved.
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